As you have been informed by a formal notification yesterday from our appointed Trustee, SkyEurope Airlines has applied for, and received court approval for a financial restructuring under Slovak Law. This process allows the company to implement a new business plan and attract additional investment while under protection from creditors for all claims arising from services delivered prior to 23rd June, 2009. We continue to operate all flights and services during this restructuring process.
We very much regret being unable to process your refund or other claim that was made prior to the above cutoff date. This means that the amount we owe you is now considered “old debt” under restructuring, and there is a legal process to file your claim, which must be made no later than 17th August. This email is intended to give you initial guidance and options through this sometimes complex process.
You are offered two choices:
A) You will have to file your claim, either under Slovak Law, or under article 40 of European Council Regulation No. 1346/2000 (depending on country of residence). We will provide you with detailed guidance on the procedure and a list of answers to frequently asked questions, to be published on our website under the ‘Reorganisation’ section ( by Tuesday (28th July) next week. Once you file your claim it will be up to the restructuring process, led by our appointed Trustee and to be approved by the court, to decide what portion of the claim will be repaid, and under what timeline and schedule. SkyEurope Airlines will have limited control over this process.
B) SkyEurope Airlines offers you a credit note (voucher) equalling the full amount of the sum we owe you. This credit may be used to purchase transportation and related services with SkyEurope, following court ratification of the restructuring plan (a 3-6 month process). Instructions on how to apply and detailed terms and conditions will be available on our website under the ‘Reorganisation’ section (link above).
You will have to choose one of the two options before the 17th August. Our website will be continuously updated with FAQ answers, we thrive to provide you with as much support and guidance through this process as possible. If there is a question you believe is not answered on the website, you may post it to We sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused, and hope we shall be able to make it up to you on one of our future flights.
SkyEurope Guest Service
뭐야... 털썩... oTL 기다리라고 해서 순진하게 기다리라고만 했던 내가 바보지... ㅡㅡ;;; 최장 6주까지 걸릴 수 있다고 해서 딱 6주만 기다리고 바로 BC카드에 취소/환불 안 해준다고 지난 금욜에 클레임을 걸고 5월 28일과 6월 7일 환불해 주겠다고 확인한 메일까지 첨부했는데(BC에서 비자로 넘기는 것도 있고 비자카드가 사용일로부터 120일 안에 접수를 해야 처리가 진행된다길래 마냥 기다리지 말고 빨리 접수하라는 상담원의 조언을 받자와), 이런 메일이 오면 난 어떻게 하지...? @_@ 내가 근래에 다시 유럽에 갈 일이 있는 것도 아니니 적립금 받아봤자 쓸 수도 없고, 클레임을 다시 넣으면(아놔 내가 왜 이렇게까지 해야 되는데???) 환불을 언제 얼마나 해 줄지 법원이 결정하고 스카이유럽 너네 손은 떠나는 거나 마찬가지라고? 어차피 돈 줘야하는 날짜도 많이 지났고하니 갚을 때까지 하염없이 기다리면서 그나마도 100% 다 줄 생각은 없다는 뻔뻔한 속셈을 우회적으로 표현한 거잖아!!! 아주 우린 채권자보호절차를 밟는 불쌍한 기업이에염 뿌우=3= 하면서 정정당당하게 배째라 이거구나. oTL
아놔 어쩌지? 어쩌면 좋지?? EU 회원국민도 아닌데 뭘 어떻게 하면 되지??? 내 212 유로(KR$ 387.47) 어떡해!!!! 으아아아아아아아아아아아앙~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~